What is this Place?
Tired of all those forums having set themes, locations and rules, rules, rules?Well so were we. Sontan Central is a VIP hub for players to RP with their friends without worrying about getting banned for wanting to do more than whats 'allowed'.
How Do I Join?
Registration is always open, however, unlike most forums this one requires either Wrayson or Soaltan to validate accounts. So you can't join unless we personally accept you. This protective process comes with the whole 'no rules' thing.
Why can I only see like three Boards?
Our Roleplays, art, and general lore is protected here. Only members that have logged in can view the entire forum.
Alright, I'm in! How do I get Started?
Although it is not required, you may consider making some character profiles before starting a roleplay. Consider what kind of characters you want to make, how they look and behave, and what kind of universe they live in. You can also consider what kind of scenario or story you want to tell. There is no creative guides or limitations here, if you can think it, you can rp it.
If you're having trouble getting started, you can ask for an RP partner in the Plot Request board.
Fun Police= Moderators
Soals & Wraywolf= Admins
PRP= Private Roleplay
Mature= Title Label alerting readers of vulgar content, you do not need this tag in the 18+ Board.
OOC/IC= Out of Character/ In Character